19 September 2007

Season of pissed-up mellow fruiters

It's damson gin time again. Four glass jars, about 5 litres of shit Lidl gin, lots of sugar and 2 carrier bags full of damsons. The liquid has turned purple already. Which is what passes for excitement round here.

In other news, the Guardian have been printing these little booklets of interviews with various famous types the last couple of weeks. This morning's was with Margaret Thatcher and of course it was in the bin before the end of the street. But yesterday's was with Hitler, whose rantings I was content to carry around in my bad all day. Now, it's not that I'm saying that I think Thatcher's as bad as a genocidal maniac, but one has to have some standards, eh.


Basquiat Scrawls said...

Brilliant title! Thank god someone still updates their blog. Maybe cos you have real friends to be getting on with not the pretend ones from the past. When do we get to drink it? If you bring some gin then you can come for christmas.

The Paranoid Mod said...

It'll be ready for, oh, about Christmas. That's ok, then...